Saturday, April 9, 2022

Meditations for those who fall asleep when sitting

 Sitting meditation is a must for becoming a monk, but it is not for every one. It can result in back pain, stiffness and falling asleep. I have some alternatives for you. 

  • Walking meditation. This one is easy. Practice mindful meditation by walking around a zen place such as a garden. This garden can be really small. Look down at every step, take small, mindful, conscious steps, eyes half closed, take in the zen in nature - fallen leaves, rocks, snails, become hyper aware of your surroundings.
  • Buddhist sutra calligraphy. Did you know that many Japanese temples offer visitors an opportunity to copy sutras - buddhist scriptures in silence in special rooms. This is a way for you to make an offering to the Buddha, also gather a moment of peace, and meditate via writing. Many temples offer this for free, or with a small donation for incense / offering money. 
  • Meditation using bells, chimes, instruments and or deep trance meditation music. Not everyone can concentrate in this busy world, it is okay to utilize music, chime, and ring bells (keep a finger on the rim to create variations) to achieve better zen. There are apps that create ambience music, sounds, compilation of sounds, sleep music, raindrops.
  •  Programmer Software Engineer? Trying building a meditation, breathing app using HTML CSS and JavaScript. Create calm and intriguing animations. 
  • Buddhist painting. High monks practice buddhist color paintings and mandala as a part of their monk life and practice. You can create your own colorful religious painting 
  • Meditate with tea. Tea ceremony as a part of meditation. 

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